The story behind the art.


“…the melting glacier has become such a universal symbol of global warming. Despite this, it remains a very distant concept for many, so far removed from our day to day actions and decisions. My hope is to help bring these distant consequences into greater focus, into people’s homes and walls, through the beauty of art.”

Each Collection of paintings are attempts to capture the majesty and tranquility of ancient but fragile landscapes. They are meant as visual time capsules, but also as a reminder of all that what we stand to lose simply by doing nothing.

We are truly faced with a once in a lifetime opportunity to redesign systems that are better aligned with the values needed for a more sustainable future. There are actions we can all take, each day, to help move the needle. From choosing what we eat to how we spend, or don’t spend our money. To learn more, check out:

Alex Kjorven is a graduate of Rotman Commerce at the University of Toronto and holds a Masters in Environmental Science and Management from Ryerson University. She has held a number of senior management roles in various non-profit and for profit organizations and is currently Chief Product Officer at a Toronto-based real estate investment fund. She is (mostly) self-taught and has been painting as a side hobby for over two decades now and currently lives in Milton, Ontario with her husband and two young children.

Painting is done at night.